Beth Fisher
Asymmetry in Colour Similarity
川島 陽太
Infer the physical mechanism of conscious experiences by a massive collection of time-series analyses
Anikó Kusztor
Exploring perceptual experiences in depersonalisation/derealisation
Angus Leung
Towards blinded classification of levels of consciousness using a massive library of time series analyses
Qianchen Liang
Revealing the truer limit in conscious contents through the Massive Report Paradigm
Nirmitee Mulay
Marcel Masque Salgado
Identifying temporal emergence in neural systems recorded in vivo
William Wong
DREAM CATCHER: EEG spectral power is not a genuine measure of dreaming consciousness
Chuyin Zhang
Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston
Are colour experience structures the same across the visual field?
相澤 裕紀
Do mental states follow quantum mechanics during bistable perception? - Test of temporal Bell inequality -
平尾 貴大
A study of brain activity related to color qualia
松吉 大輔
More defaults: Metastate transition induced by an increase in the striatal extracellular dopamine
宮前 光宏
A study of brain activity related to color qualia
オモレゲ 尚子
佐原 慈佳
Sleep pattern and Cognitive function
玉木 賢太郎
武田 賢
Comparison of the structure of qualia and the structure of information processing extracted from brain activity
北園 淳
浅沼 遥香
山本 希
Social Information Processing related to Aggressive Behavior
Jue Wang
Exploring creative thinking in early childhood
坂田 千文
Visual experience in social interactions